7 events found.
Week of Events
Defensive Pistol 1 @Ben Avery 05/28/2023
Defensive Pistol 1 @Ben Avery 05/28/2023
The Defensive Pistol I course introduces shooting with proper use of cover and concealment that might be found in your home or when out in public. Fighting with your pistol while the family is present adds a new level of stress and discomfort. In this class, you will learn how to expose your opponent without […]
Holster Fundamentals @ Ben Avery 08/06/2023
Holster Fundamentals @ Ben Avery 08/06/2023
Holster Fundamentals builds upon the skills found in the Precision Pistol course. This course focuses on precision and speed from the holster. This course will teach you exercises to help you become proficient with drawing your handgun quickly and accurately place rounds on target. Our goal is to get you down to 1.5 seconds or […]